Child Support Attorneys in Madison, WI
Your Resource on Child Support
Although child support is determined in large part by the Wisconsin child support guidelines, many factors can influence a child support award. Determining the appropriate income to use for both parties can be extremely difficult, especially if a party is self-employed, has fluctuating income, or has significant bonus or commission income. You also need to make sure you have calculated the right percentage of placement for each party, and that you properly apply the high-income and low-income adjustments. Mistakes in any of these areas can significantly impact the amount of support you receive or pay.
Variable expenses may be even more confusing. Typically, when each parent has at least 25% placement, the parties share variable expenses. You need to decide what expenses are considered “variable,” how and when to reconcile these expenses, whether any protections are included, and what happens if a party refuses to pay his or her share. An experienced attorney can help you resolve all of these issues and ensure that you have a clear and concise agreement, which can reduce conflict and the amount of time spent in court.
As most people realize, the tax code is not only complicated, but also ever-changing. The tax code impacts family law in many ways. What income and deductions do you claim when filing your taxes in the year of divorce? Do you have to claim any of the amounts paid to you as income? How much should you withhold for taxes from each paycheck? Who claims a child as a dependent? Can you deduct child care expenses on your taxes? Not understanding the tax laws, or not fully understanding your options, can have significant financial circumstances. Our attorneys can guide you through the tax code, so that you avoid these pitfalls.
For more information on child support, taxes, or divorce in general, please contact our office.