Adoption + Termination of Parental Rights in Madison, WI
Adopting a child is an exciting time for a family. If you are seeking to adopt a child or a stepchild, we want to help you ensure the legal relationship matches the emotional one. We can help you with an independent (private), relative, stepparent or adult adoption. The amount of time an adoption takes depends on the circumstances, but typically a prospective parent can expect the adoption process to take anywhere from several months to several years. This provides time to complete a home study, file petitions, and negotiate any details unique to your case.
In an adoption, one or both of the child’s biological parent’s rights must be terminated prior to the adoption. Termination of parental rights (TPR) means that all rights, powers, privileges, immunities, duties, and obligations existing between parent and child are permanently severed, pursuant to a court order. The termination of a parent’s rights is a significant legal event and has important consequences. This can be done either through a voluntary or involuntary termination of parental rights process. Sometimes this is a straightforward process where everyone agrees, and sometimes it becomes a complicated, contested matter. If the process is involuntary, there must be legal grounds to do so. Legal grounds to terminate a parent's rights in Wisconsin include but are not limited to:
The parent has abandoned the child.
The parent has been denied periods of physical placement or visitation by court order for at least 1 year.
The parent has exhibited a pattern of physically or sexually abusive behavior that is a substantial threat to the health of the child.
The parent has failed to assume significant responsibility for the daily supervision, education, protection, and care of the child.
The parent was convicted of a felony against a child.
The parent has had a prior involuntary termination of parental rights to another child.
We can help you through what can be a difficult legal and emotional process.